ERP5 is the ideal framework to implement transactionnal business applications in the Aerospace and Defense industries. It is for example one of the key components which was used to implement the TSXX System at Infoterra Deutschland (EADS Astrium).

Most Advanced Security Model

ERP5 applicative security model is probably the most innovative and advanced among ERP all applications, both proprietary or open source. Based on a dynamic and multidimensional rule based approach, it is capable of implementing access rules and policies which are both very strict yet allow opening sensitive business applications to third parties in foreign countries.

Unsurpassed Flexibility

ERP5 surpasses the competition in terms of flexibility. Whenever applications require to match complex business requirements which arise either from technical constraints or from legal constraints, ERP5 is possibly the most cost effective solution.

  • Workflows: all standard business processes in ERP5 can be customised through the configuration of workflows.
  • Testing Framework: changes to the standard implementation of ERP5 can be tested automatically thanks to ERP5 built-in testing framework. Test based quality assurance can reduce the cost of configuration of complex applications by a magnitude of 10 compared to traditional approaches.

Designed to be Global

ERP5 is a Web based application which can support multiple languages including Japanese and Chinese. It can be operated over Global scale VPNs or VSAT networks. In a global world where companies operate over the continents with multicultural staff, ERP5 provides all thje become the central key repository of business knowledge and collaboration.

Service Oriented Interfaces

Aerospace and Defense industries often rely on a wide variety of hererogenous systems which must all be interfaced to a central application. ERP5 can meet the most demanding interfacing requirements trough a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which leverages simple protocols such as HTTP, XML-RPC and SOAP.

ERP5 supports most IETF srandards (ex. SMTP, LDAP, IMAP, etc.) and can connect to about any relational database. Legacy standards (ex. CORBA or Z39.50) can be supported directly through libraries or, preferrably, through SOAP bridges which also easy the transition of Corporate Information Systems to W3C based standards.

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