Agenda • Create Notebook • Visualise Data This tutorial teaches how to visualise data. Before doing this tutorial make sure you read and completed the following tutorial and have data in your wendelin instance: • HowTo Transform Data • HowTo Resample Data Notebook Module On Modules page click on Notebooks. Add Notebook Click on Add to add a new Notebook. Create Notebook Click on Create Document to continue. New Notebook You will notice that the notebook shows only a default title and draft state, and an empty notebook viewer. The default view of a notebook displays its execution, in this case an empty notebook result. To edit the document and the notebook code, click on "Edit" view on the VIEWS section of the left panel menu. Or through header button "Views" -> Edit. Notebook Fill in the Title. The visualisation code will be at the bottom text area. Notebook uses the same technology as Iodide. To learn more about programming in Iodide environment checkout Iodide homepage. Visualisation Script %% md # Time Series
%% fetch js: jio.js js: ndarray_bundle.js js: wendelin.js js: %% js hateoas_url = "https://" + + "/erp5/web_site_module/default_wendelin_front/hateoas/"; jio = jIO.createJIO({ type: "erp5", url: hateoas_url, default_view_reference: "view" }); gadget = { getSetting: function(property) { return new RSVP.Queue() .push(function () { if (property == "hateoas_url") { return hateoas_url; } return; }); }, jio_getAttachment: function(id, url, parameter_dict) { return jio.getAttachment(id, url, parameter_dict); }, jio_get: function(id) {return jio.get(id);} } var graph = document.getElementById('plot_div'), graph_data = [], label_list = ["date", "humidity_min","humidity_mean","humidity_max", "pressure_min","pressure_mean","pressure_max", "temperature_min","temperature_mean", "temperature_max"]; selectorOptions = { "buttons": [{ "step": 'day', "stepmode": 'backward', "count": 1, "label": 'day' },/* { "step": 'day', "stepmode": 'backward', "count": 7, "label": 'week' },*/ { "step": 'month', "stepmode": 'backward', "count": 1, "label": 'month' }, { "step": 'year', "stepmode": 'backward', "count": 1, "label": 'year' }], } function update_graph(start_date, stop_date){ return getData(start_date, stop_date) .push(function (data) { return Plotly.react(graph, data, { 'title' :'Environmental Sensor Data', 'xaxis': { 'autorange': true, 'rangeselector': selectorOptions, } } ); }); } function unpack(rows, key) { return { return row[key]; }); } function getData(start_date, stop_date){ var graph_data=[], ratio = screen.availWidth / 1024, interval, frequency, start_index, stop_index, array_id; if (stop_date === undefined) { frequency = 30000; start_index = 0; stop_index = 0; } else { interval = stop_date - start_date; if (interval >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 100 * ratio) { frequency = 30000; } else if (interval >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 28 * ratio) { frequency = 3000; } else if (interval >= 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * ratio) { frequency = 300; } else { frequency = 60; } } return jio.allDocs({ query: 'portal_type:"Data Analysis Line" AND ' + 'title: "Resampled Array (' + frequency + ' Seconds)" AND ' + 'resource_reference:"GENERIC-INTERVAL-RESAMPLED-ARRAY" AND ' + 'parent_source_title:"Sample Factory" AND ' + 'simulation_state:"started"' }) .push(function (result) { var data_analysis_line_id =[0].id; return jio.allDocs({ query: 'portal_type:"Data Array" AND ' + 'aggregate_related_relative_url:"' + data_analysis_line_id +'"' }); }) .push(function (result) { array_id =[0].id; return wendelin.getArrayRawSlice(gadget, array_id, 0, 1); }) .push(function (result) { array_start_date = wendelin.convertFirstColToDate([[[0]]])[0][0]; if (start_index === undefined) { start_index = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((start_date - array_start_date) / (frequency*1000))), stop_index = Math.ceil((stop_date - array_start_date) / (frequency*1000)); } return wendelin.getArrayRawSlice(gadget, array_id, start_index, stop_index); }) .push(function(result) { for (i = 0; i < label_list.length; i += 1) { graph_data = graph_data.concat(nj.unpack(result.pick( null, label_list[i]))); } return graph_data }) .push(function(result){ var filtered_graph_data = []; for (var i=0; i